Cheap ralph lauren polo shirts Comics by Famous People JJ Abrams, Gerard Way and More

Comics by Famous People JJ Abrams, Gerard Way and MoreComic creators are very cool, and though they may deserve to be,Cheap ralph lauren polo shirts, aren't necessarily famous. However there are a number of very well known musicians, actors, writers and TV Creators who love reading comics and have taken their love one step further and actually created their own comics. Partnering with talented artists and comic publishing companies like Marvel, DC and Dark Horse these stars have created knockout comics that appeal to fans who don't even read comics. Here are a few of the most famous crossover comic events: Umbrella Academy by Gerard Way Gerard Way is lead singer of the band My Chemical Romance but I probably didn't need to tell you that! What you may not know is that Gerard loves comics. He worked at a comic book store in his teens and once he achieved success with his band, his mind once again turned to comics. Umbrella Academy is an award winning story based around a disbanded group of super heroes that come back together again after the death of their adoptive father. The group reunite and plan to carry on his dream to save the world. The book won an Eisner (think Oscar for comics) for Best Limited Series. Superman by Richard Donner Richard Donner is best known as the director of the first really cool superhero movie,ralph lauren outlet, Superman back in the late 1970s. He also directed Lethal Weapon and has been a part of many more movies as a producer. In 2006 he collaborated with comics' superstar Geoff Johns on the Superman comic, Action Comics,cheap ralph lauren polo. The story arc known as Superman Last Son brings back the fan favourite villain, General Zod, from the second Superman movie. Ultimate Wolverine Vs Hulk by Damon Laurence Lindelof The co-creator of the TV series Lost wrote this long awaited confrontation between Marvel's famous bad-goodguys Wolverine and Hulk. The beginning is infamous because it depicts The Hulk ripping Wolverine's body into two pieces. It's clear these two have a score to settle. Also take time to read any comics by Brad Meltzer, he is one writer who has crossed over into comics and not lost any of his power and impact. Try Identity Crisis, JLA Vol 1 or the upcoming Buffy Season 8 arc with Joss Whedon. Speaking of Joss, his Season 8 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer is only available in comics and is well worth checking out. Comics are just another creative medium to tell a story and those storytellers who have already made their mark in other formats, often make a significant impact when they bring their skills to comics. Inger loves stories and loves to write. She has been writing words on paper for quite some time so when the Internet came along she started writing online too. You can see her latest website which helps people to manage their digital tv reception at

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