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Of course, an unattended backpack will often just contain the lunch of some absent minded professor. This was not one of those times.Discovering that the backpack contained three fully active pipe bombs set to go off, Jewell was thrust into the kind of situation that is a bit above a security guard's pay grade.The explosive detonated as the area was being cleared, and sadly did kill one person and injure a bunch of others, but Jewell was hailed a hero for ensuring that it didn't wind up one of those incidents that is solemnly alluded to afterward simply by the date on which it occurred, until he was named the lead suspect for having planted the bomb.On that logic, they announced that Jewell was under investigation, and the media took it from there.News coverage of the FBI's investigation quickly turned into a kind of perverse reality TV show, broadcasting live as the FBI searched Jewell's apartment while keeping him under 24 hour surveillance. They even kept tabs on him as he did his grocery shopping you know, in case he walked out with six bags of fertilizer and some fuses, the feds were forced to admit that they didn't have anything on him.That didn't help Jewell, who had already lost his job and suffered a crucifixion in the media. There was no big moment of vindication for him, and he never got the hero status he deserved.Coach Purse OutletCheap Coach Purses OutletCoach Bags OutletCoach Purse OutletCoach Outlet Wallets

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