Evening out your Construction expertise may be one of the most helpful exercises in RuneScape

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Evening out your Construction expertise may be one of the most helpful exercises in RuneScape

You've probably noticed , you can use dual-wielding weapons in the present. The past (as in the pre-Evolution of Combat) apart from two hand weapons RuneScape Gold, the only choices were to utilize a single handed weapon with the shield, or an offensive shield slot such as a Defender or God book although they were shields in concept. So now you have an extra choice - you can wield a weapon and a shield for extra defensive bonuses (and can use a couple shield only defensive/constitution abilities) or you can dual wield weapons.

Dual weaponry is more offensively focused obviously, and it's slightly better than 2 handed weapons as you can gain some capabilities. This is why the majority of people favor dual crossbows more than a two-handed crossbow or bow, and using a wand with the shield slot.

Which is an offensive weapon (usually orbs such as that of the Spider Orb) rather than staves (except in certain circumstances where you can only risk one thing). The basic idea is to think of an orb as being a form of crossbow or sword that is off-hand even thought it doesn't look like an weapon.

So it is the equivalent for the Spider Wand because it has the same tier. It's an offensive weapon in the same class as the off-hand counterpart of the Spider Wand. The player can cast spells with the off-hand slot, since it's a weapon, as if you had two swords for example you'd be able to deal the damage using both RuneScape Gold 2007. If you're at the level, you could probably buy and hold Batwing as well and even more effective and cost-effective too.

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