Never look at eclipses through binoculars, or exposed color film none of these methods are strong enough to protect your eyes. Although the light wavelengths visible to the human eye are blocked by these objects, it is the non visible light that causes damage to the eye; the ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths still get through, and cause just as much damage as the visible light.If you choose to look at the sun with your eyes , then you must always have a solar filter between you and the eclipse. While it is possible to view a total solar eclipse without protection during totality, only an experienced observer will know when to judge this moment accurately and when it is essential to immediately place the filter between your eyes and the eclipse again, before the Sun reappears. Since most eclipses are partial and most observers are novices, it is much safer to only look at the eclipse through a solar filter; even the briefest flash of sunlight can damage your eyesight.9 percent of coverage of the Sun is dangerous. Solar filters are available for all viewing equipment .When selecting a solar filter for a telescope or binoculars, it is absolutely vital that you choose a filter made for your exact model and brand. A homemade eclipse viewer or pinhole viewer is very simply done and, it is the most easy and safe way to view an eclipse for almost no cost, just the price poster paper.

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