The National Guard was nowhere to be seen and I wondered why. The hospitals where swamped as people needed care so they sent people to the shelter clinic instead as they were evacuating nursing homes there to the clinic.Some people were dying I think seven died from this ordeal I don't know if that was local or national or state level. They would send out medics to find me at the people with pets and take me to the clinic where they did blood test on Tuesday morning they had a little hand held device that did chem 8 and blood sugar and hemoglobin and hematocrit I was amazed we use the Hycell 17 from 30 years ago when I was a medic in the Air Force and that machine was big it required it's own room and here they had it in a hand held device that uses a drop of blood amazing.They had free wi fi there and we went home Tuesday for more stuff. I used my laptop to pay my bills and check on the news they said the power outage and storm went from the mid West to the mid Atlantic.

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