
This doesn't just apply to cats, either the sound of a cat purring can also help heal other animals in the immediate vicinity of the cat! They cast an area healing spell.As if that's not enough, nature also built cats to be virtually immune to falling.We don't just mean that they could fall out of a tree and walk it off; we mean that you could throw a cat out of a plane and it would be perfectly fine, albeit incredibly pissed off. This is due to the fact that all cats have a built in terminal velocity of around 60 mph, nowhere near the sidewalk ruining 120 mph that larger animals have, there's no difference between a fall of 50 feet and a fall of 5,000 feet except that one means that it can give birds the finger for about 20 seconds longer.Weirdly, a fall from four stories up is statistically more dangerous for a cat than a fall of 40 stories, as the world's most depressing graph will attest to.The sharp decline in injuries after seven stories is because most cats reach their terminal velocity after falling that distance, allowing them to adequately prepare for the fall, they can just purr themselves back together again anyway.

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