
Where: Urban Hotdog CompanyThere are more than 20 unique ways to enjoy a frankfurter at Albuquerque s Urban Hotdog Company, including Flying Dutchman style, in which a split and fried Italian sausage is covered with green chile, and hot sauce before being topped with grilled jalape os and sport peppers. The Flying Dutchman came about through employee collaboration, says manager Matthew Bernabe of the dish s origin.I started a secret menu to give our regulars something different to try and encourage creativity in the kitchen One day a few of our employees got the urge to try anything that had a sort of kick to it on top of our spicy Italian sausage. We refined the idea a bit and we were completely blown away with the results! It has become one of the most popular Secret Menu items we have created.Cast Your VoteAlready thinking about what to make for next year's Easter dinner? Forget baking for hours just open up a bag of honey glazed ham chips for everyone. The geniuses at Jumpy's chips have done just that, so bring a pack of these to a ball game.

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