
This cone shaped collection measures 230 feet in diameter, and weighs at least 60. This makes it roughly twice as big as Stonehenge and six times heavier than the Eiffel Tower.It's hard to pinpoint a possible civilization that could have built this thing, since scientists say it could be anywhere from 2,000 years old which you may recognize as science speak for They at least reckon it was built on land and flooded after the fact, which is probably a safe bet until the Mermen inevitably rise up against us. We have no idea what its purpose was, either: One suggestion is that it might have been an artificial fish nursery, another theory notes a similarity with ancient European burial sites, and still a third insists it's Reverse Atlantis, destined one day to catastrophically rise from beneath the sea .1. Latin America is wild about ChavismoMany on the left believe that Chavismo, the leftist movement launched by the late Hugo Chavez, has the backing of most Latin Americans.

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