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mpty phantom yesterday, Insanity Workout UK, Sofia says with him that taking charge of is empty the phantom invites him the tomorrow went to west together the William viscount mansion of empire mineral area start in an experiment especially!

"Moxa be willing to teacher!See you tomorrow!"

Take charge of empty phantom wearing a smile be willing to order to the moxas!

"Is tomorrow what is up?"The thunder Che noodles had no facial expression to see a moxa be willing to one eye.Then see to bosom in ground department empty phantom.

It is tiny to shake head.She to thunder Che way:"Nothing important.Moxa be willing to the teacher live in the imperial palace hinterland morning dew temple now.Will I not return to tomorrow?"

Take charge of empty the phantom tell a lie!Facing will soon since then separate.She has no way to speak the truth to the thunder Che.

"We leave!"

No longer ask more.Thunder Che corner of mouth tiny Yang.Is purple light dizzy turn at his body boudoir.Soon he then take to take charge of empty phantom to leap onto Gao empty to eastern cool mountain brook place to fly.

The lavender ground figure in the sky leaves a string of string remnants shadow.Dou absolute being of battle front win the mysterious person take to take charge of empty phantom to float however leave.A battle front result seems to him and has no too today the earth meaning!

After competing be over re- return to greatly compare field of emperor's clans like roll

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