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Dogs and cats who filled the Morgan County Fairgrounds building, donated to the cause by Morgan County, were spayed and neutered by three veterinary surgeons from the Denver based Planned Pethood Plus, which participates in similar events ugg outlet australia sydney throughout the world.The event has also been made possible through the years through time and dedication put forth by a number of volunteers who helped organize the event and comfort the animals as ugg outlet australia sydney they recover from surgery.The Rising Sun Bakery in Brush again provided doughnuts for volunteers and guests in attendance and many members of county communities donated blankets, as well as ugg outlet australia sydney bags of pet food donated at ugg outlet australia sydney no cost as part of the No Animal Goes Hungry program.Through her 30 years of organizing the clinics, ugg outlet australia sydney Steiner has helped spay or neuter more than 20,000 animals and notes that anyone who might have missed out ugg outlet australia sydney on this opportunity but wants to fix a pet may contact her at 970 867 8767.

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