We have dual spec have two fury specifications

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We have dual spec have two fury specifications

It's also beautiful, so I'm referring to Glyph of enduring victory I'll think there's an alternative, perhaps Glyph of Blood Rage maybe Glyph of charging for rating WoW SoD Gold, for instance, and lastly glyph charge and definitely something similar to this is what I'd play, but it all depends on the scenario depends on what you're doing.

We have dual spec have two fury specifications, you know one for Dungeons one for you know rates, I'm not sure. If you enjoyed this video, let me know. I'll consider doing another video soon. The video is mainly of the raid pre-launch bis , but there are no currently Sims for it.

So I'm not able to simulate the things. This is why I've been sort of doing. I've created an Excel sheet for doing weights for stats. I did some research on the formulas for wrath, how it's budgeted and allocated to equipment.

So I'm guessing I'd the potential for a great equivalency points system that's based on stats as well as the general rules. I'm planning to put something together , so, to cut the in the end, be on the lookout for the video. It'll probably drop either tomorrow or the day following. If you enjoyed it, this, please comment, like, subscribe, and I'll see you guys in the next one. Peace.

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Hello everyone, happy to be back I'd like to create a quick video regarding the pre patch specs.

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