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Answering this question requires that we consider two different points. What are multiple streams of income, and what is passive income? We will then take a closer look at the best multiple streams of passive income you can create on the Internet today.

1,Gucci Handbags,Gucci Outlet About The Author9aXl. Multiple streams of income means you are earning money in various ways. The Internet makes that possible whereas in the old days most people just worked one job and that was their income.

2. Passive income means you are earning money even when you do not work. You do not have an active role in creating this income on a regular basis,Gucci Outlet About The Author6aBp,Gucci Bags, jordan 13 he got game. This does not mean that at one time you were not working to get this type of income stream going.

So what are the best multiple streams of passive income?

1. A network marketing business allows you to develop a residual income that passively in the future for work you are doing today. The Internet makes it possible for you to build a worldwide MLM business that brings money in consistently.

Many network marketers build large organizations and then reap income rewards even when they stop working. The big difference is they often will move on to another opportunity and create even one more passive multiple streams of income. This is what is possible to be done in network marketing using the Internet.

2. Develop a virtual empire of websites or blogs and monetize them with Google A sense. I have even heard of Internet marketers who have over a thousand websites bringing them income.

They certainly do not work on these websites every day because they have been able to automate most of the traffic generation tactics. This means they do not have to sell anything to get passive income into their Google Adsense account every day.

3. Start a membership site and earn a monthly income when people renew their membership, One example of this that is extremely successful is a guy who started a how to play tennis membership site.

He created videos on different tennis techniques that only members can watch. Charging $25 a month he built up a passive income stream of over $180,000 a year.

One exciting thing about developing membership sites is you can branch into multiple niches. This makes it possible for you to develop a large number of income streams and do it passively.

These are just a few of the best multiple streams of passive income you can develop. With the Internet anything is possible, and making money in more than one way, even when you stop working is just plain smart business.

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