I CANNOT tell you how uneven the caves are

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Fist of Guthix: If your goal runs inside the middle where you will find LOADS of individuals, bring your target into the top of this list for"attack". Permit the feature to"challenge" individuals outside the lobby, but gain no tokens from that round. Only pair individuals to resist within a 40 digit level against each other. Remove the spells from the spellbook you can't use, it simply shouldn't be there in case it doesn't let you use things like"superheat".

When indoors a"Safehouse" you are not at your enemy, but it causes a few damag.e instead of some low levels, these can hit high enough to cause them to expire very quickly. I suggest that they tone down the damge into 3's and 5's for everything 30.

I CANNOT tell you how uneven the caves are. Create a"book" system. This is the way it would work: Let's say that the cave is at max, and small Joey wants to go in, but people are clicking faster than him to invest in. Click "input" or"book". Reserve will leave you a place and alert you with a message when your allowed to go in, but you only have 10 seconds to run in. And if you leave the bounty hunter area, you'll be taken out of the list.

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